Career Expo 2023 | Journals | Alumni | Career At BMU | ABC Scheme

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PW T and P Activity

Training & Placement Cell Members need a passion for helping students succeed professionally and strong networking skills to coordinate with potential employers. In addition to a bachelor’s degree and around three years of experience in recruiting or career development, employers prefer placement Cell Members who have these skills:

  • Recruiting – to find the right students for job opportunities, placement officers must understand the recruiting process, including how to identify the best candidates for positions, interview them, and assist companies with the hiring process
  • Career counselling – helping students plan a career path and find jobs requires placement officers to ask questions about students’ goals and interests and lead them to resources that help them achieve those goals
  • Interpersonal skills – Placement Cell Members need strong interpersonal skills to network with employers and coach students who have diverse needs
  • Communication skills – effectively helping students with their careers requires asking specific questions and listening carefully to get useful insight on what jobs best fit them. Coordinating with employers and university departments also requires communicating clearly
  • Analytical thinking – strong analytical skills help placement officers gather job information from their research, screen students for suitable positions, and offer career development advice
  • All the Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Members must meet at least twice a month in TnP Cell.
  • All the Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Members have to submit monthly report to TnP Cell.
  • Each any every Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Members who is inviting companies for their respective College/institution must share the information and eligibility criteria with TnP so that the eligible students from other BMU Colleges/institutions should be informed for the effective processing.
  • Each and every Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Member has to appoint the Faculty and Students members which will make a placement team and submit in TnP with their mobile numbers.Faculty members involved in placement team must be selected from their respective courses.
  • Every Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Member has to submit the following information (in soft copy) in TnP as Faculty and Student coordinators detail with their mobile number.

Each Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Member has to give the Placement Guidelines to his students at the beginning of the session
All Training & Placement Committee (TPC) Member should organize the following activities after consulting with TnP before the first placement week as

All the HR person of IT / Non IT Companies must be invited in all the University and Cultural fest held in any of the BMU Colleges/institutions.For all activities invite industry guest also from all field.