NSS Committee
The National Service Scheme (NSS) in college involves students in community service activities. The goal of NSS is to develop students' personality and character through voluntary service.
Anti Ragging Committee
College has taken various precautions as per AICTE Norms to prevent ragging and ensure 100% no-ragging.
Formed Anti Ragging Committee consisting of senior faculty and headed by Principal.
Persons not only from college but also from surrounding areas (i.e. residents and leaders) are also will be participating in Anti-Ragging Activities.
Committee has taken steps and allotted duties to all the staff members at almost all areas in the college (i.e. canteen, parking places, different blocks, play grounds etc.) and ensure that at least one faculty member will be present at any particular time at all the locations to avoid ragging activities.
Committee has taken precautions to avoid ragging activities at other locations like bus stops and given instructions and appointed student volunteers and secret informers at various boarding points.
Grievances & Redressal committee is also made a part of these anti-ragging activities.
ST-SC Cell Committee - Squad DetailsÂ
The Scheduled Caste (SC) And Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell In An Institute Promotes The Special Interest Of Students In The Reserved Category And To Provide Special Inputs In Areas Where The Students Experience Difficult. The Cell Regularly Have To Conduct Remedial Coaching Classes On Life Skills, Personality Development, Writing Assignments And Making Presentations And Also Have To Organize Interactive Sessions And Informal Meetings With Students To Attend To Their Personal, Social And Academic Problems. A Manual Has Been Prepared In Order To Guide The Students To Optimally Utilize The Benefits Of The Schemes Offered By The Government Of India.
Women Development Cell CommitteeÂ
As per the directive of Gujarat Technological University, IIET set up Women’s Development Cell known as “WDC” in the 2011. It is a statutory body for the prevention against sexual harassment of women. WDC of the institute is acting as a grievance committee and the members take care of any untoward action against women if any. The main objective of WDC is to make the college campus a safe place for female staff members and girl students.
To promote an equality for women
To ensure protection of women from sexual harassment in the college.
To create awareness to female staff members and girl students about social harassment and relevant issues related to them.
The Grievance Redressal Committee shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of staff and students of the Centre raised individually by the concerned aggrieved employee/ student of the Centre.The Grievance Redressal Committee shall not consider any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature of raised collectively by more than one employee/ student.After receiving any application the Committee will decide on the merit of case regarding scope of further discussion.
To provide an avenue for the aggrieved students to redress their individual grievances in order to have a healthy atmosphere among students, staff and management in the Institute.
To comply with the AICTE Regulations to provide for establishment of Grievance Redressal Committee in each Institute approved by AICTE.
This was published on 1st January 1996 and was notified on 7th February, 1996. The Persons with Disabilities Act basically enlists facilities that persons with different types of disabilities would be entitled to and the responsibilities and obligations which are placed on the Government of India, State Governments, local bodies and establishments in this behalf. It broadly includes measures for prevention and early detection of disabilities, education, employment, social security, research and manpower development, barrier-free access and preferences and facilities that are available to such persons and the action which needs to be taken to avoid any discrimination against persons with disabilities.